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Home SulabhEIACP Resource Partner
Last Updated:: 17/08/2024
SulabhEIACP Resource Partner
(EIACP Centre on Hygiene, Sanitation, Sewage Treatment Systems, and Technology)
EIACP Centre was set up by the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India.
Man progressively changes his environment to meet his biological, physical, and social needs. Many harmful and worthless by-products originate during the provision, utilization, up-gradation, and maintenance of self and material necessities. The population explosion, urbanization, and industrialization have resulted in serious problems that confront mankind in the present times.
Water quality and quantity are intrinsically linked to hygiene and sanitation, which in turn depend to a great extent on the sewage treatment and technology used. Unfortunately in India, due to paucity of funds, lack of skilled manpower, and also due to the negligence and unwillingness of the powers that be, the status of HS & ST is abysmally low. The need of the hour is to pay greater emphasis on sanitation, water, and sewage treatment and thereby enable the reduction and eradication of deaths and diseases that are attributed to this factor.
This center was set up at the International Institute of Health and Hygiene (earlier known as Sulabh International Institute of Health & Hygiene) in the year March 2003, under the ENVIS-CEP (Capacity Enhancement Programme), through the Ministry of Environment and Forest to act as a storehouse for compilation, processing, analysis and dissemination of data/information pertaining to the latest research in the field of HS&ST. The Centre has developed a Website and feeds the relevant data on the assigned subject area for wider dissemination to all concerned.
- Creation of Website on Hygiene, Sanitation, and Environment, Sewage Treatment Systems, and Technology.
- Monthly compilation of News items on Hygiene, Sanitation, Environment, Sewage Treatment Systems, and Technology.
- Identification of information/data gaps in the specified subject areas and action taken to fill these gaps.
- Database creation on Hygiene, Sanitation, and Environment, Sewage Treatment Systems, and Technology to be put on the website.
- Contribution of news items for ENVIS newsletter.
- To establish and operate a distributed clearinghouse to answer and channel queries related to the allocated subject.
- To establish linkages with information users, carriers, and providers from among Govt., academia, Business, and Non-Governmental Organizations including ENVIS.
Thematic Area
• Hygiene
• Sanitation
• Sewage Treatment Systems and Technology