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| Last Updated:: 17/07/2019

Disaster Sanitation

Emergencies and disasters can occur anywhere in the world, affecting human health, people’s lives and the infrastructure built to support them. Environmental health problems arising from emergencies and disasters are connected to their effects on the physical, biological and social environment that pose a threat to human health, well-being and survival: shelter, water, sanitation, disease vectors, pollution, etc.


Disasters seriously disrupt the lives of individuals, and the functioning of entire communities or even whole societies. Resulting widespread human, material, economic, and environmental losses stress existing infrastructure and leave individuals in states of shock and despair. Rebuilding damaged infrastructures, such as sewage systems and water supply, not only help to restore a sense of normalcy, but also arrest the spread of disease.


The first goal of emergency response is to prevent outbreaks of waterborne diseases, caused by malfunctioning water supply, various point pollution of water resources, and lack of sanitation facilities. Top priorities for immediate response are provision of sufficient quantities of safe water, arrangement of basic sanitation, and promotion of good hygiene behavior.


Emergency preparedness is just as important. The incorporation of disaster scenarios in the planning of infrastructure and institutional, community, and societal response is a critical step towards risk management, which will reduce a population’s vulnerability during and after a disaster.


Source:, WHO


Water & Sanitation for Emergency Shelters


  • Assess immediate population needs and available supply.
  • Protect upstream water supplies and wells; treat all surface water as polluted.
  • Pump supplies to storage tanks, to be used as a basis for a more developed distribution system.
  • Provide basic collection, storage and treatment facilities for protected sources.
  • Prevent indiscriminate defecation through rapid provision of facilities.
  • Provide safe disposal of excreta and refuse, controlling rodents and pests.
  • Integrate hygiene promotion within community.
  • Consider foundations for longer-term infrastructure and ensure their implementation will not be impeded in the future; in particular, ensure continued safety of local water resources which may be scarce.



National Policy on Disaster Management (NPDM)


Disaster Management Plans & Policies in India


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National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India


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National Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India


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National Disaster Response Force and Civil Defence, Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India


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National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India


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