Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, January 26, 2025

Do You Know

  • Today, 1 in 4 people – 2 billion people – around the world lack safe drinking water. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)


  • Almost half of the global population – 3.6 billion people – lack safe sanitation. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)


  • 494 million people still practise open defecation. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)


  • 1 in 3 people – 2.3 billion people – around the world lack basic handwashing facilties at home. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)


  • Achieving universal access to safely managed sanitation by 2030 will require a four-fold increase in current rates of progress. (UN-Water 2021)


  • 1 in 3 people – 2.3 billion people – around the world lack basic handwashing facilities at home. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)


  • 547 million people gained access to basic hygiene between 2015 and 2020, at a rate of 300 thousand people per day. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)


  • Globally, 44% of household wastewater is not safely treated. (UN-Water 2021)


  • 60% of water bodies assessed in 89 countries have good ambient water quality. (UN-Water 2021)


  • Water quality data are not collected routinely in a majority of countries. This means that over 3 billion people are at risk because the health of their freshwater ecosystems is unknown. (UN-Water 2021)


  • Of the 89 countries with water quality data, only 52 have information about groundwater, which is problematic because groundwater often represents the largest share of freshwater in a country. (UN-Water 2021)


  • 72% of all water withdrawals are used by agriculture, 16% by municipalities for households and services, and 12% by industries. (UN-Water 2021)


  • Almost half of the schools in the world do not have handwashing facilities with soap and water available to students. (WHO/UNICEF 2020)


  • Almost half of the schools in the world do not have handwashing facilities with soap and water. (WHO/UNICEF 2020)


  • Over half – 55% – of people in rural areas and nearly three quarters of the population of Least Developed Countries lack handwashing facilities with soap and water at home. (WHO/UNICEF 2019)


  • 297,000 children under five years old – more than 800 every day – die every year from diarrhoeal diseases due to poor sanitation, poor hygiene or unsafe drinking water. (WHO 2019)

